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Updated on November 28, 2016
SVEntoliamo la stessa bandiera
After 6 months of my EVS, I learned many things from this experience, I discovered many new places, i learned a new language, I saw a new culture, and everyday I’m discovering and learning.

thanks to the contacts that I had it from my EVS project, I was invited with my organization to participate in one of the events organized for the celebration with 20 years of the European voluntary service, this manifestation organized by” Torre Dei Giovani”, this association works in the field of cultural exchange between youths of Europe, and north of Africa, the topic of this event is the importance of the EVS experience, and the influences of this opportunity on the persons who participate.
SVEntoliamo la stessa bandiera, is the name of this event, we spoke about our project, we presented our activities, and we showed the importance of this opportunity for youths, in this meeting I spoke about my experience in this 6 months, the places that I visited it, the way that I adopted it to integrate in the Italian culture, and the place where I live, and my relations with Italians.

In my opinion, the most important part of this type of experiences, is the integration in the society where you do your EVS project.
Also, I had the occasion to meet my friends from “Torre Dei Giovani”, and we spoke about our plans in the future.
i thinks that this experience is the best experience in my life, I invite all youths to participate in one of EVS projects, if you want to know more about EVS projects, here is some links who can help you.

Di seguito allego un po’ di materiale sullo SVE per chi volesse approfondire.
Erasmus plus : http://www.erasmusplus.it/
Servizio volontario Europeo : http://serviziovolontarioeuropeo.it/
20esimo anno dello SVE : http://www.erasmusplus.it/il-servizio-volontario-europeo-compie-20-anni-2016-anno-di-celebrazioni/
Torre dei Giovani : http://torredeigiovani.eu/
Il blog del Progetto MARE : https://www.marineadventures.org/en/