M.A.R.E. 2023
Hello, dear all, who are reading this!
This year’s project is definitely a rollercoaster of emotions and it still continues to go on like that! You might wonder what about this year makes it different from the previous 10 editions of Project M.A.R.E. activities… Well, let us tell a story of how it all started –
In February 2023, after the volunteers’ selection process finished,10 of us received the Welcome Letter. Needless to say, emotions were varying from excitement to disbelief.
Unfortunately, the start of the project got held back a few months due to big organizational changes in the park. This is why this year’s seven-person team gathered in Italy in June 2023 and are staying until the end of May 2024!
Since our arrival, we have been busy with a very active summer season in Ieranto Bay and in Cilento, as well as a productive autumn season, about which you will hear in the following posts! :)
But for now, we are pleased to introduce the volunteers of Project M.A.R.E 2023!

Mohamed Tounakti (TUNISIA)

Salem aalikom, my name is Mohamed Tounakti, I am 30 years old. I am Tunisian and I grew up in the capital, Tunis. I graduated from the University of Mechanical Studies with a specialization in mechanical engineering. I have done some volunteer experience in Tunisia, particularly with the elderly and children, and I have always had this passion for the sea since I was a child; it’s something that can isolate you and make you feel like you are in another world. Coming to Italy is the first trip outside my country and the first time I have ever been on a plane. I was really surprised at how beautiful this country is in terms of history, nature, sports culture and food.
The MARE Project was an opportunity to mix with wonderful people around the world and to do activities with the sea, in a protected area, full of magical species and views! So, I am learning a lot from this experience and I am very grateful for this opportunity.
Meritxell Vilella I Aguilella (SPAIN)

I studied Environmental Biology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where I gained knowledge about the biota of marine and terrestrial habitats, as well as lessons in nature conservation and management.
During my studies, I developed a deep passion for the sea, which led me to pursue an internship at Futurismo Whale Watching. Additionally, I focused my Bachelor’s Thesis on examining the perspective of Chondrichthyes as portrayed in the written press in Spain.
My strong motivation and effective communication skills enable me to easily learn new subjects and techniques. My long-term goal is to actively engage in marine ecosystems research, aiming to comprehend their complexity and implement conservation measures to protect them.
Maria Savvides (CYPRUS, AUSTRIA)

Coming to you from the south-east corner of the Mediterranean Sea, an islander born and raised in the Cypriot capital, away from water. However ironic, that never severed my bond to the sea. My name is Maria Savvides and water is my natural element, the one that makes me feel more like myself. This connection was bolstered four years ago, when I began going on diving expeditions. The marine world fascinates me at every visit and my experiences have encouraged me to promote its preservation.
I am an environmentalist, passionate about hikes, photography, plants and underwater explorations. In my early 20’s, I completed my Bachelor’s in Cyprus and Germany in European Studies and Modern Languages and my Masters in Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding in the UK. For the last 5 years I have worked as a non-formal education trainer with Erasmus+ projects.
Through my work and leisure time in the various European countries where I did my studies, internships and employment experiences, I developed interest in areas such as environmental sustainability and sea-life protection. Making the most out of my final year’s opportunity to participate in an ESC opportunity and interested in an environmental project, the special nature of project M.A.R.E. immediately caught my eye. Now, I have the chance to engage in more hands-on work with marine conservation and environmental monitoring. I consider myself quite lucky to be in this setting, among biologists and interdisciplinary friends; it allows me to view the world from a different, eye-opening perspective.
Hamdi Hamzaoui (TUNISIA)

I am a marine biotechnologist who has developed a passion for the sea by going deep into it bit by bit. Am here in Italy to develop my knowledge and skills in marine conservation and to enjoy the beauty of nature in the peninsula Sorrentina and especially the magical place called “Ieranto bay”.
Amanda Rudzite (LATVIA)

Many people claim that in your twenties you’re discovering yourself and meeting yourself from a completely different perspective. Well, this was mainly part of why I decided to join the Project M.A.R.E. family, as I knew I would not only be challenged to push myself physically, but also to grow mentally, as this experience is truly meant for those people who want to fully step out of their comfort zone and dive into an adventure. Last but not least I’ve always found deep connection with water since I can remember myself – starting from always seeking closure and tranquility near water and ending with spending 7 years of my life by training in swimming; so, I think I can definitely say that in water I feel like I take my true from and become one with it.
The project gives a great opportunity to learn a lot about biodiversity, marine conservation and monitoring which were my biggest motivators to take a part in this experience.
Denys Radchenko (UKRAINE)

I studied tourism and I like adventures so it was natural for me to take this volunteering challenge with project M.A.R.E. In the future I plan to make a business in the tourism sector and the experiences I gained during my lifetime in Italy will help me for sure!
Hanna Silivestrava (BELARUS)

Ciao a tutti! I’m from Belarus, a landlocked country. So, before the MARE experience I’ve seen the sea mostly only in my dreams. This, however, doesn’t negate my eternal attraction to the sea and my connection to the water. I worked as an animator and as a camp counselor on the lakes and rivers in Belarus, so I had experience of kayaking and living in a team of soul mates. I’m also an eco activist and artist, who finds inspiration in nature.
I’ve decided to become a MARE volunteer to encounter the sea in the wildest and most authentic environment possible, to face my weaknesses and to develop my strengths, and to discover a new layer of life.