Implementation of educational modules in school – Updates for Modules 4 & 5

It’s time for more EcoPatrols project updates!

In the course of the past month and a half, we continued our testing of educational modules on environmental education with our group of fourth-grade students at Liceo Linguistico Salvemini of Sorrento.

On March 7th, we implemented with the group the fifth module titled “Energy and Resources”. Admittedly, the students were welcoming and showed interest in the thematic from the beginning. 

We completed four activities whose scope was on the one hand, to present the topic of energy sources (renewable and non-renewable), their importance and benefits, and on the other one, to encourage reflection on the origin and environmental impact of resources powering our daily life. 

With some hands-on tasks, students wereable to refine both their critical thinking,problem-solving and collaborative abilities, and rethink their own practices in terms of using energy sources on a daily basis, heating solutions and building methods. We all ended this first testing day with a smile on our faces and a sense of accomplishment.


A few weeks later, on April 17th, we went back to the school to deliver the fourth educational module on Waste Management. The purpose of this module was to acquaint participants with the fundamental ideas of waste management in the context of the EU, and as well as the importance and difficulties of minimizing the damaging effects of garbage on the environment and public health. 

For this workshop, the students have demonstrated an adequate level of initiative and enthusiasm as they completed the tasks. They progressed from defining the concepts of waste hierarchy such as waste prevention, recycling and disposal, to upcycling PET bottles and tetra-packs into art and making piggy banks and wallets respectively. To wrap up the day, we discussed daily habits relating to reusing and recycling practices, as well as inquired the interconnection between consumer behavior, environmental protection, health, economy, natural resources and waste.

All things considered, our testing is running smoothly. We are putting a lot of effort into implementing and evaluating the courses with the students so that we can make necessary improvements later. We are providing the public with a range of environmental information in the meantime to help them become more conscious of environmental challenges. We firmly believe that the best way to get them ready to be sustainable and responsible citizens in the future is to share knowledge with them!