Posted on September 8, 2015
Distribution of the poster (video in Italian)
Of course you already know about our monthly info poster. Maybe you even saw it in some small Italian town of the peninsula Sorrentina. And this is how we distribute it!
Updated on September 7, 2015
Biodiversity Party. A SEA a bit ‘more explored.
4 of september. Massa Lubrense Square. Pro Loco. AMP Punta Campanella. Project MARE. A theme: Biodiversity. 6 monitors: Karolina, Imen, Kristaps, Marion, Andris and Joaquin. 2 free spirits: Antonia and Yanal, A alma mater: Mimi. And a lot of guys and ilusion !!! The most special day of these serie of meetings ludic-didactic that we did last month to teach the youngest a little more of the Punta Campanella Park and it valuable biodiversity – How to explore it, how to respect and how to love the sea …
The square of Massa Lubrense was full of young souls who love nature, the future protectors of the sea, a beautiful moment spent with us. The feeling was mutual. I had enjoyed so much, just like the kids and my colleagues.
I could have a lot of testimonials of these days to tell, where do I begin? also talk about a thousand stories of the boys! But there are no words to describe …
We separate the children into groups to discuss about Punta Campanella Park, the biodiversity of the park, threats to the sea, excursions … And then the party! a number of games (intense QUIZ of Imen, ended 8-8, tie between the two teams) and the sublime game created by Antonia who has caught the attention of the oldest, all accompanied by great music and sometimes not so good… and conversations with the boys. After the speech of President Park, Father Michael and … go to eat! fried fish, delicious! Pizza !, soda and a bit ‘of wine (great on the palate, of course) to celebrate the closing ceremony.
In general, the boys were unforgettable; The impulsive Giovvani and his brother Tonino, the charisma of the Great Giuseppe Russo! Miriam, more playfulness, shyness Marco, natural sympathy of Martha and her good relationship with Imen, my complicity with Carmine, a great guy !!! A pleasure talking football with him! And of course … the behavior of 10/10… Benedetta. If perfection exists as a child, Benedetta would probably be closed to it. Friendly, intelligent, kind and always attentive to our lessons. With this type of children, it makes you so happy to teach!
Personally, I know that these guys made me have a little ‘more hope in humanity. We hope that the 32 guys who have learned how to deal with the environment, some of them are able to convey the message to future generations. Gradually, thanks to them, I’m sure that they will make the planet a place a bit ‘better.
Updated on September 7, 2015
Cultural shock
Europe, Italia, this beautifull dream. I had always this fantastic idea about the other part of the world. I have created a perfect picture in my head about places outside my country. I have imagined that they live in paradise , without problems , satisfied about their life , happy like in films . The wonderfull life …. I lived with this dream and with idea and it grew up with me. I always wished to go one day there and see that world.
And finally this day has arrived and I am here in Italy ; my wish became a reality .
In the beginning , I found everything like I had imagined it, everything seems perfect and organized and after I met new nice friends and we spend good time together, we talked about a lot of topics and HOP! my ideas that lived with my whole life seemed to be wrong : they also have problems in transport and there is also crises and the difference in life’s condition between north and south, they are not all the time satisfied about their way of living .
It makes me laugh and I am surprised when they tell me that they don’t respect the rules and they are messy. But how??? This things, I thought that they are only in my country, and that we are the only ones who live in chaos. Also, I have seen that the mentality it’s not so different of ours, ok of course it’s opener but not so different.
Strange , hein??
I still need time to get used to all of these changes of ideas and beliefs. However, I am not disappointed, I am really happy and lucky to have this opportunity to open my eyes on the other side of the world and see things as they really are and built my own ideas not based on films or what I heard.
This will be my experience with my eyes, with my point of you, and I will always love this discovery.
Updated on September 5, 2015
Pure Ieranto, now even at night!
The last weekend, Ieranto became our new home. Completely. We have not only worked, we also ate lunch, ate dinner, had breakfast and, above all, we shared unforgettable moments.
For some of us (Kristaps and Antonia) all started on Saturday morning with the normal work and monitoring. Monitoring of land and sea.
After that, they were kayaking in Punta Campanella with Pippi and Francesco, in order to spend the night there and perform other nighttime activities that we had planned.
On the other hand, the rest of the group (Imen, Marion, Karolina, Andris, Yanal and Joaquin), with Mimi and Valentina, voluntary of last year and Stephanie … WAIT !, WHERE’S STEPHANIE? After … … a problem of understanding, probably due to lack of communication … we had left behind Stephanie! (Voluntary two years ago, Marelina forever). Mimi had to go, in the van, take her, and the plans were delayed again …
Once we were all together, we started the descent to Punta Campanella from Monte San Costanzo. We walked more than two hours from one of the most beautiful locations in the peninsula Sorrentina.
Once there, we had dinner with colleagues and initiated a series of night shifts to count the ships coming into the bay, to fish. Not only illegal activities, also of dubious morality …
For the morning, some of us went kayaking from Punta Campanella to Ieranto to continue with the monitoring activities! Some of us went snorkeling around Ieranto, wonderful!
Personally, this day was incredible, the last day of Ferragosto Ieranto and enjoyed nice concert, under the olive trees, situated not far to the Salvatore house.
The next night, we repeated monitoring activities night, this time from the Ieranto “Cava”.
The full moon, the good company, good work we did, the laughter, the sandwich that tasted glory in the midst of nature, MARE language (sometimes in Spanish, sometimes Italian, sometimes English, sometimes French, sometimes Latvian, Arabic, and sometimes a mix of all), the abundant food (we were) for all the mosquitoes of the bay, have made this weekend at a time that will go down in history as the weekend where 3 generations of “Marelinos” with the unique and inimitable D.Sgambati, our favorite Pippi and the Great Francesco Maresca, pure marine genius, we sat down together to enjoy our favorite activity. Custoriar Ieranto. Ensuring the protection of nature. Make the world a place a little ‘better to live. Because … Make no mistake, Ieranto is a beautiful place. And the beauty will save the world (Dostoevsky).
Updated on September 7, 2015
Funny notes, humor and a key to balance.
Ciao tutti!
You probably remember this funny note from the last year:
This is what happens when 8 quite different people are living in one house for a long time – funny notes. The note is the way of communication – gentle everyday reminding and a try to establish common rules.
Than the reminding could become NOT so gentle.
But some of them make you smile and ask yourself again – do I really want those chips:)
Notes are good – you can always replace unknown word with a picture.
This is a house of free spirit, so the old rules are not working sometimes.
And then the new rules have to be established!
I hope this pictures made you feel a bit of the atmosphere of the volunteer life and its everyday humor.
So, be smart, talk ITALIANO and stay inspired. And remember: the sense of humor is a key to balance.
See you!