New life from the ashes

On Tuesday, November 17, we have collaborated with Claudio, WWF, to plant some trees near the San Costanzo’s church. but why?20151117_121310_resizedFirst of all we must introduce the topic, it is simple.Because of scase rains during the last summer, heat and inattention, the pine forest near the church of San Costanzo suffered a fire, losing several trees with its consequent damages and environmental impact changing the landscape of the mountain.

Like tree lovers we lost so many pines and friends! B ut one problem about the pines is that the pine has not the power to sprout after a fire as others lical species have (like Quercus, myrtle, etc.). Today, in situ, we saw how totally coniferous species have died because of the fire, while the other species that suffer the same fire began to sprout from the root. Amazing!

20151117_121534_resized Because of this, we made a repopulation of individuals Lygustrum japonicum, Quercus ilex, Quercus pubescens and Quercus cerris, all adapted to the Mediterranean climate conditions and the last three premises. These species are typical of the area, are evergreen and have better defenses against fire, then they survive better after a disaster of these features, so they are a good choice for this type of places.

In total we planted 16 species, including 10 Q. ilex, Q. pubescens and Q. cerris, we planted in ahead of the church, to the right, separating some meters the new trees we planted of some pine trees that were still alive around the church of San Costanzo.

Sin nombreWe were good partner, good team, so we finished the work in advance, we talked about botany, birds and insects and also we have given our small contribution to the environment.20151117_131835_resizedHopefully trees grow big and strong! The rains of recent days are sure to help!



We made new friends! Here is their presentation:  foto(8)Fondalicampania is a cultural nonprofit association, free and independent, which operates in Campania Region for development, protection and safeguarding of the marine and coastal habitat in Campania.

Our idea of development intends to implement a plan of promotion of the marine and coastal environment, through Videorecensioni, interviews, events and projects that are intended to raise public awareness on environmental issues related to protection of marine fauna and flora, as well as to stimulate tourism and the inhabitants of Campania for a better and more complete understanding of the marine and coastal heritage of our land.

All members are constantly engaging themselves by cleaning the seabed and beaches to protect and preserve the environmental heritage. The service is the result of spontaneous availability of the members who passionately use personal resources in order to achieve this noble goal.

To make these principles grow and develop again and again we need your help and your continued cooperation. Fondalicampania was born from a great passion for the sea and the beauty the coast of Campania has to offer.

Become a member of Fondalicampania, your contribution is important! By enrolling in “fondalicampania”, you will become a part of a big family that already has a significant number of members. Together we can continue to be “proud of our sea.”
fondalicampania chi siamo fotoAn event that you can’t miss:
Fondalicampania con “IL MIO MARE”
The photo exhibition takes place from 1st to 8th of December 2015 in Villa Bruno in San Giorgio a Cremano! We could also meet there because we will go for sure!
Their Blog
Their Facebook Page
Their article about Meta, where we live, that we really like!!

Environmental Education.

Now that we are in the cold weather, Ieranto, the hard work and all the fun is done over there. But we started the second round of the Environmental Education and it became our main activity because of the cold weather.

Working with kids is not as easy as it may sound, because it’s important for us to know how children learn rather than ask how to “Teach “children. so we try to make them see and involve them in the activities in a friendly way and games mainly. Also videos when needed.

This Monday we went to a School in Massa Lubrense we were 2 teams of 3. Each team gave a lesson about the Sea turtles for 1 class consisted of 20 boys and girls that are aged between 9 and 10.

We started with presenting our selves to them then we did a small game to make wake them up and to get them to feel more comfortable with our presence because we are not Teachers. IMG_7553Then we did an activity about the difference between the Sea turtle and the land turtle it was about making them draw, color the 2 turtles and notice the obvious differences between them rather than just talking about it in the normal teaching way. IMG_7556After finishing the construction of the turtles we took the sea turtle and talked in an active circle about the unseen differences and the importance of the role of the sea turtle in the sea community. IMG_7571After knowing the importance of the sea turtles we’ve done a game to make them see what are the things that are threatening the turtles in the sea. Then we talked about how does the human activities affect also and how to try to stop this using a small presentation.IMG_7581 Our interest in this experience stems from our feeling and realization that there is lack of knowledge about the Sea turtles and the fact that we believe that the kids are the future that needs a good values to grow on. we believe the kids will learn a lot from this experience, approaches, practices and we will help them to expand their horizon and enhance their tools.

Project M.A.R.E. and the media

Project M.A.R.E. starts to become really famous! This small child conceived three years ago thanks to the awesome persons who made it happen, year after year makes its way through the complicated world of communication. We have our Facebook page, blog, beautiful posters, newspapers. Our project had several moments of fame, e.g., appearance in RAI TV and in the newspaper “Comunicare il sociale”. Recently we were visited by a journalist from MTV Italy in Milan.

It was a day to explain to our visitor the things we do daily in project M.A.R.E.: the work in Ieranto, monitoring on land and in the sea, the cleaning of beaches, giving information to boats and visitors etc.con mimi

This day the journalist filmed the activities we do in the kayaks and the park’s boat. A brief interview with the project coordinator and the director of the park, and with two of us volunteers (Marion and Joaquin). In this short interview the journalist asked things about the Bay of Ieranto, our project, our work and specific questions such as … Why is the Posidonia so important?. We also had time to talk about one of the most important aspects of the project – the environmental education with the children, where we worked etc.

Our ride with the boat to the bay was quiet. The colleagues who were working in Ieranto (Francis, Imen, Antonia, Kristaps and Andris) were excellent, especially in the communication aspect! Incredible!

conellosThen we went to the office to give the journalist more information about our work. The journalist seemed more interested to talk about the EVS experience, what it means for us, what is leading us, what we think of living in a foreign country for a long period of time etc. Project M.A.R.E. was not the central topic, but personally, for me and my partner the two (M.A.R.E. and EVS) go together.con periodistaBecause in fact everything goes together, everything is relative. This project takes place in Southern Italy, near Naples – an area with one of the richest cultures in Europe (could be in the world), and every day the life here is an experience that needs to be showed and should be remembered. At least this is what we think and what we hope we have expressed today with the visit of the journalist.

Salone dell’Orientamento – experience in giving and receiving

On Friday 13.11. , we were part of nice event, where we had chance to talk about our Project MARE as an example of EVS in practical way. This thing has been big part in the formation 10 Salone dell’Orientamento, Reggio di Calabria (

per blog1This training works as national exhibition dedicated to education, training and guidance for young people.

We made topic ,, Europe speaks to young people – EVS “. This was dividing into 3 parts. First talked Fabiana di Carlo, Accreditation and Evaluation Coordinator in the National Agency for Youth  ( She spoke about EVS in general.

After we told our experience, as foreigners in EVS in Italy. Our story as an example in reality. We talked how to search for EVS, where to search, the advice to be accepted in EVS, what we do in our Project MARE.

per blog2The last spoke Francesco, italian boy, who did EVS in Romania, as an example ,, Italians the part of EVS in the world. ”
Training has been fantastic! Youngs were happy and active in colaboration in our story, because we made small activity in the beginning for fun and for concentration.

Also we spoke to local radio Radio Touring 104 ( How lucky we are! :-)

per blog 3

We are happy to be part of!
Thanks Fabia, Giuglia Serrano, who took care of us!

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For you, our advice how to apply for EVS.
