Updated on November 15, 2016
MassaDaM.A.R.E (I) – Sta. Agata – Marina della Lobra
Today, December 19, together with other members of Project MARE we made a trip from Sant’Agata to Marina della Lobra (Massa Lubrense) – a path that is perfect for walking around the area surrounding the Sorrento peninsula, full of nature, culture and history. We hiked through some small towns like Monticchio, Pastena, Santa Maria Annunziata until a beautiful place with excellent views in Marina della Lobra. One anecdote of the tour is the story of Annunziata, the former seat of the government of Massa which was besieged by Aragonese more than 500 years ago and was burned almost to ashes. Another story comes from the Napoleonic period, about an old building with an incredible view over the island of Capri. The building was used to push out the English from the island more than 200 years ago. This tour, rich of history, is even more enjoyable because it is surrounded by beautiful chestnut trees and the sea like a distant landscape.
After that we arrived to the Sanctuary-Cloister S. Marina della Lobra. At 10:30 started the meeting “The world of fishing in Marine protected Area Punta Campanella: Analysis-scenarios-prospects” where we could share our time with so many familiar faces – fishermen, park operators, the people of Massa etc., and we assisted Carmela in the presentation of the park. She not only spoke about the biological and ecological aspects and the protection of the park, but also about our project M.A.R.E. Yes, our brief moment of glory was when Carmela talked about us and the work we do in the marine park especially during the summer in the Bay of Ieranto. Then some speakers deplored that political representatives and the captaincy were not there… After that we enjoyed the underwater gems of the park – photos of caves and sea biodiversity. In this park the geology and the biology form a unique ecosystem, and today we were more aware of this fact. The images we have seen below the waters of the park, in places like Mitigliano, Punta Montalto and Punta Campanella definitely will stay in our memory for a long time.
Finally, we enjoyed tasting menu of the delicious local cuisine: pasta with fish of the day, lemon risotto, pasta with beans and mussels, fried fish, squid and potatoes, cheese tasting, sweet donuts and also the local spirits such as Limoncello, Finochietto and white wine.
At the end of the day we all together enjoyed music and regional dances that welcomed us since morning. A day full of small, beautiful details!
“An hour later my thoughts are sheer exultation. Even little things touch me: a veil flutters on a hat, someone’s hair is let down, a pair of eyes close with laughter and I am moved. What a day, what a day!”– Knut Hamsun.
Updated on December 18, 2015
After long abstinence of the bay: One day all together in Ieranto
This morning we woke up early…to go to Ieranto the first time after a couple of weeks. We had good weather, the sun was shining, and us: out of the bus, to Olga (an apple for free ueja!), walking the road that we now after 7 months know very well.
Next to Olga we met some old man that we got to know earlier and that speaks a lot, he can’t even stop; we met Drili, Ieranto’s dog that followed us until the bay and then Paolo who was working at the olives.
Arriving there: First relax! Sleeping at the beach in the wintersun, making a little round through Ierantos forest/landscape. What can you ask for more?
And then the others (4 volunteers and Mimi) arrived with canoe, we went to collect rubbish (a lot of Styrofoam, where does this come from??) on the beaches and some of us took fotos underwater of some algies. Puh! Even if divingsuit is sexy, but hu. We have December. Very cold.
So quindi: A calm day, but beautiful with some summermemories, and infact I was tired after this day…maybe I am not used to Ierantowalks nomore.
UeUe See you!
Updated on November 20, 2020
Books, Food & Wine: a meetup with Fondalicampania
Tuesday evening, accepting the invitation from our newly made friends – association Fondalicampania, three delegates of Project M.A.R.E. went to a closing event of the photo exhibition Il Mio Mare in a (ex) library in San Giorgio a Cremano. The atmosphere in this gathering seemed intimate because apart from us and the members of the association I saw a very few other guests. As it turned out – the focus of the event was not on the photos but on the first anniversary of Fondalicampania. What a surprise that they have been together for only one year because they have achieved a lot.
A quanto pare il visionario principale dell’associazione Davide ci ha guidati attraverso l’esposizione e ci ha raccontato il lavoro che stanno facendo.
L’attività principale durante il primo anno è stata la pulizia di molte spiagge lungo il Golfo di Napoli. In un solo anno i volontari nel loro tempo libero hanno pulito almeno sette spiagge. In ogni spiaggia che puliscono, lasciano un grande cartello informativo sulla biodegradabilità dei rifiuti.
Come ha detto Davide – quasi tutti i membri dell’associazione sono appassionati di mare, ma non esperti. Eppure la squadra ha anche una biologa marina che sta conducendo un progetto per monitorare e studiare aree costiere intorno a Napoli. Abbiamo ottenuto un’idea sulle problematiche associate al mare in questa zona densamente popolata come l’inquinamento del mare, come cambia il rapporto tra abitanti del luogo e il mare e come mancano le proposte per migliorare la situazione.
Finally our guide showed us two high resolution panoramic photos made by photo enthusiasts Around You 360 with GigaPan technology. This lets people to enjoy beautiful and very detailed views of Naples area on the screen. Sometimes one does not have the chance or willing to see it live, like the planet Mars.
The party proceeded in a calm and easy manner; thankfully without forced cheering. Just a meeting of like-minded people to celebrate the work done in the first year. A celebration is not a celebration without food and drinks. Also in this aspect the event was very pleasing. When it comes to snacks Neapolitans are not trying to reinvent the wheel – they make the same old pizzas just in bite size. So the table was covered with mini-margheritas, mini-stuffed-pizzas and some other pastries. I am by no means dissatisfied because if you put 23 morsels together you get one big pizza! We stayed long enough to taste a piece of the birthday cake. Although typically for this region it was buried with mountains of whipped cream, it was quite delicious. Still it did not beat my favorite – Torta di Nonna.
While eating and watching cool snorkelling videos we were chatting with a few other members of the association. Really all of them were super-nice. In just some 2 hours Marion got at least 3 phone numbers. Yes, she is very charming!
Afterwards we talked with Davide again about how nice and important it is for two neighbouring and sea loving projects like Fondalicampania and M.A.R.E. to meet together because currently there is a lack of awareness about and communication between them. Together we can make a bigger impact and support each other by collaborating, exchanging ideas and making a common communication and publicity platform. We definitely share this view, and therefore, we already started to make plans for our next meeting. Us, Marellini ’15, are going away soon but Project M.A.R.E. 2016 will definitely have a chance to work together with these newly made friends.
In the end of the event everyone were welcomed in the House of Massimo Troisi where his brother showed us around and told a lot of stories about the actor. I haven’t seen any films with Troisi, and therefore, I wasn’t very interested but he looked like a good-hearted guy. We will watch The Postman soon and maybe after that we will want to return.
After adding the film to our bucket lists we said goodbye, and our Neapolitan friend Marco kindly took us back to Meta. On the way we stopped in a cafe Il Cratere in Ercolano for a drink. Quite cosy and hipstery place with a beautiful view over the the towns on the shore. Next time we will visit a nearby bar with the loveliest ever – “andris”.
Thank you, Fondalicampania, for the nice evening! We wish you to realize the ideas you have and make many more new ones in your second year of action!
Updated on December 11, 2015
Excursion to CASEIFICIO VALESTRA di Vittorio e Tullio Valestra
For better understanding of our area is also nice to see how they prepare the local food. We are lucky, because we visited a small family company here, that produre types of cheeses. This company called CASEIFICIO VALESTRA Vittorio and Tullio Valestra. It started many years ago, with their grandfather Valestra. Now grandchildren are continuing the know-how and process.
Follow this link for online visiting http://www.italiavirtualtour.it/dettaglio_member.php?id=97732.
Then how to do the cheese?
1. At first wake up at 4 in the morning! (all days, even weekends! phew …)
2. In large tub it puts hot milk (quality of milk = quality of cheese, this company use milk from Salerno). After this milk is mixed with the steam with great pressure (1). After it puts the rennet (the liquid which does the coagulation of the milk, you take of from gastric juice of calf). It puts in the glass – a bit of rennet with water for better spreading between milk (2). We mix everything together (for last time you do with the stirrer,, the crossing “on milk for luck). Leave for 30 minutes.
3. Now we have the second part (3). The liquid part and the fixed part (the basis for the production of cheese). The fixed part gets out and gets very soft, almost tasteless cheese or is used to make the base of great cheese (4) (this type of cheese is used as a basis for making mozzarella, caciocavallo, caciotta, …) .
3. Great cheese is cutting and putting into the water (5). This is put you in a bathtub with warm water and it’s mixed (6). After they are doing the mass with their hands, until it is smooth and shiny. The final form of cheese is done. This module is put in 3 contains with water (mozzarella, here called Fior di Late (7)) even in 1 bath (more cold, to make caciocavalli (8)). Each tank has a different temperature. It is from hot to cold.
4. We are in the end. Some cheeses are put into the salty water, some not. They are producing smoked cheeses too. Also because it depends what you prefer. Some loves cheese very soft and young, but also there are cheeses left for the week or more, which change the shape, color and smell (9).
So happy we took one type of cheese Fior di Latte (mozzarella). Now we are eating together this good and local piece of paradise!
Thanks to CASEIFICIO VALESTRA from Monticchio! Thanks for explaining, for your patience!
What I really appreciate is, that everything is done with hands without using extra machine. :-).
Posted on December 8, 2015
The resource of the sea – Conference about fishing & alimentation
The last 5th of December, Saturday, we went to this conference organised by our park Punta Campanella about fishing and alimentation. We arrived to this amazing Villa Angelina a bit before Massa Lubrense, with an incredible view during the sunset.
This conference ended activities made during the week with some schools of the Peninsula, about the resources of the sea. During 2h, 4 speakers animated a discussion with one moderator, Antonino Pane, journalist born here, who had always a personal point of view and smalls stories about the sea life with fishermen.
There were Giancarlo Carrada, marine biologist professor who talked about the biological response to the fishing effort to raise awareness about overfishing and the situation in which we are now. After this alarming report, the vice president of marine biology of the “Società Italia” Giovanni Fulvio Russo presented the benefits of bluefish: between ecology and health.
Indeed, the message of this week (organised by our park AMP Punta Campanella, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry and the FEP (Fund European for fishing)) is to invite people enjoying the blue fish that is very economic and very present in the sea, so that fishing it does not represent a big threat for this type of fish.
For another promotion, wider about smart consumption and sustainability, spoke a representative of Slow Food Campania.
Finally, it was the testimony of William Cassone, new Commander of the Port of Castellammare about actions of control and prevention in the fisheries sector.
Our director Antonino Miccio ended the discussion, making the link between the second part of the evening: the discussion on fishing with speakers now is finished and now is the turn of the practical aspect: cooking show!!
How to cook these bluefish? Economic, in large quantity, local, but also good! Enough knowing how to cook it: marinated or in the hoven.
During the week, they also made activities with children in the schools of Massa Lubrense, Piano di Sorrento and Vico Equense, with the help of fishermen. This ended with a photo contest.