Updated on October 18, 2016
Campo BOE is back!
Last year, our MARE project began a new activity in collaboration with our marine park Punta Campanella : Campo BOE.
To help you to remember, this work consist in being with Nicola and Luca (the two workers of the park that are monitoring our area via boat) and help them. But how?
A Campo BOE represent a zone with buoys where boats can use it to hook themselves, in return of a contribute for the marine park (5 to 10€ depend of the size of the boat). Our campo BOE has 27 buoys in Mortelle place, between Marina del Cantone (Nerano) and our loved Ieranto bay.
This system, always present in the yellow zones of marine protected area, is proposed to people for different reasons. The first one is to fight against anchoring, that makes significate damage on the marine biodiversity (and mostly on the posidonia, aquatic plant present in Mortelle). Like this, boats can stop in a place where normally they cannot (being in a yellow zone where anchor is not allow), and enjoy the beauty of this protected zone.
Another secondary reason could be the possibility of entering in contact with people. Indeed, there are many persons (mostly tourists), that do not even know there are in a marine park…
This is what is interesting us this year! To help the park in his valuation activity for the environment ministry, we have to make interview via kayak to people coming to Campo BOE. We already began last Friday but unfortunately, the sea was not good, so we couldn’t do it right. But we will try again this Thursday! If you want, you could come to meet us and we could spend some time together to complete the survey :)
Updated on October 18, 2016
“A Sea to Explore” in Ieranto
After four days of “A sea to explore” in Massa Lubrense and of learning several important facts about marine animals, yesterday was the day to see in first hand and in a natural environment all we’ve talked about before. Thus, 18 children, went to Ieranto together with the staff of Project MARE, many parents and also a brave 70 year-old grandma!
We met up in Nerano and the first thing we saw was the special place of Franco:, he kindly showed us his particular work in the collection and conversion of waste into art. This visit reminded us that plastic has always a better end than the sea and that we need to change our bad habits using it.
All together we walked the beautiful and tiring path that lead us to a particular paradise: Ieranto, where nature is all that matters and sea provides us with a place to enjoy a day full of sports, laughing, salt, sun, sea life and lots of fun!!
The first thing we all wanted after walking under the sun was going for a swim!, We all went into the water, even though the kayaks were ready to discover the different places of the bay. After the refreshing dip in the sea the older kids made a long path by kayak with Mimi and Radek, while the younger ones went snorkeling with Gabriel and me (Nuria). After almost two hours we switched the activities: the ones that had been discovering underwater life went kayaking and the ones that had rowed almost as far as Punta Campanella went into the water ready to discover the beautiful world that lives underwater.
Emotions were visible in the faces throughout the day. It is wonderful to see how each and every marine animal creates a smile and every paddle the desire of yet another one. We looked for marine organisms that we had reviewed during the last weeks and we were lucky to find many! We went inside caves with breathtaking blue waters. We played, we laughed so much that we swallowed some seawater and we even escaped from jellyfish!! In the end of the day we talked about the Marine Park and we understood a little better which are its different areas.
It is brilliant to see how together we can spend a fun day while learning. And it is great that also the brave parents joined us with their mask and fins to discover marine diversity and run one kayak attached to another filled with many children!
Can’t wait to meet again. Next week in Crapolla to continue the joy!!
Updated on October 18, 2016
Laboratory 2: Cnidaria
Like every Monday we spend the day to prepare the marine laboratory for the childrens , and all the activities for this laboratory , we choose to talk about jellyfish , so we prepared all the necessary informations in a very funny ambience .
At 17:00 everything is ready , it is time to take all materials to the Centre of Massa Lubrense and prepare the laboratory before the kids come , because they are so excited to know more about marine world , at 18:00 we started the laboratory by painting session for the childrens , they colored a lot of jellyfish pictures , they did a beautiful pictures, really they are artists , secondly we made a story together about the sponge , and they made a beautiful story they have a big imagination , thirdly we started the quiz to give them more informations about the jellyfish , and with the questions we did games to show them how the jellyfish can’t move against the water direction because they are so weak , also how the sea give them food without moving ,I see that they enjoyed this games so much , they were so dynamic and happy by this activities , and finally we made jellyfishes together they made amazing jellyfishes with a lot of colors.
What a great feeling when you see that you made these childrens happy , especially when you see that they like our work and they wait for you the next week for a new marine laboratory , for us it is a big motivation to work harder
Updated on October 18, 2016
Laboratory 1: Porifera
Monday 19 th July , is the first day of laboratory marine with children’s in Massa Lubrense , and we choose as first topic sponges .
We passed all the day preparing the program of the laboratory , and we divided the tasks between us , itwas so perfect how we were organized .
At 6:30 we started the laboratory , we found a lot of children motivated to know more about the sea , and explore more about the plants , and the animals who live in the Mediterranean , when you see them you can feel an amazing feeling because were so interested , and they motivate us to do more for them .
Firstly we started with a game to present ourselves , to present and the childrens , everyone said his name ,where he live , and his favorite marine animal , secondly we did a game to show them how the sponge function , and they were so dynamic to win in this game at the same time we felt how much they love the sea, thirdly we did a quiz for them to know more informations about the sponge , and we were amazed because there are some of them who knows a lot about the sponges , finally we gave them all the necessary tools to draw the marine animals , really they drawed so beautiful pictures.
We are so happy by this activity , and what a great sensation when you see that you make childrens happy , and excited to explore more about the sea animals , we will do our best to prepare good activities for them to make them more motivated to explore more and more
Updated on October 18, 2016
Trash pirates
The Marine Park of Punta Campanella has also participated in a waste collection on the coast of the Sorrentine Peninsula. By boat and by using nets we were collecting all garbage we found on the sea surface. This work is really necessary as it is sadly very common to find floating items in the sea.
We started the journey in Piano di Sorrento, went then to Meta and returned to Massa. In our way we found loads of waste, almost all plastic which is, by far, the greatest enemy of theoceans. At first glimpse we could see how water there was not very clean. It didn’t look at all like the beautiful waters of our dear Ieranto. We tried to take all of the trash we found, but many times it was not possible because the plastic pieces are very small, or there is foam or fuel that is complicated to remove. It is important for you to remember that you should never throw garbage in the toilet. It seems obvious, but we found a lot of hygienic things in the sea.
At the end, cleaning the coast of Meta, Piano di Sorrento, Sant’Agnello, Sorrento and Massa Lubrense we took 12 plastic bags, 75 pieces of plastic, 6 plastic cups, 6 sanitary towels among many other things like wheels, ropes, network …
It was a very interesting day and for sure we want to repeat it again.