Updated on January 23, 2017
5 days before back home
After 9 months in Italy, where i lived amazing experiences, i did many activities, thanks to this EVS, sincerly it changed my life, in my opinion EVS experiences are an opportunity for changing your life, and starting a new step as it happened for me.
In this article i will talk about the opportunities that i had it in this project, the first one is the ability to travel from Tunisia to Europe, after that i started to understand the live here, i decided to discover the close cities as Golf of Naples, Sorrento, vico equense, Castellamare, Pompei, Napoli, and Ischia. When i knew well these places i decided to travel a little bit more far, so i started by Rome, i liked it so much, i’ve been there many times, then i organized to do the Italy tour, where i’ve been in Siena, Florence, Bologna, Milano, Venice, Vicenza, and Verona, but my trips they weren’t only in Italy, also i’ve been to Nice, and Paris.
I think if i hadn’t this EVS opportunity i will not travel as i did, because always i have problems with Visa, so thanks to project MARE i saw these beautiful cities without any problems, now i know well Italy, especially Golf of Naples, and Rome, they became as my Home.
Learn to work
With the opportunity of traveling, i had also the opportunity to work in the protected marine area of Punta Campanella, where i learned how to work in a group, also i felt that i am responsible, because we have dates to respect it, objectives to realize it, and a work to finis hit. thanks to this project, i learned how to manage my stress in work. Also i saw the importance of communication between workers to improve the work, and finding solutions for the problems.
The Italian World
Now i can say that i am able to work in a office without any problems, also with this EVS experience i had the occasion to learn Italian, and speak this language without problems, Project MARE gave me the chance to study italian in a school ( Sorrento Lingue) for one month, where i learned the bases of the language, after this courses i started to practice it with italians, to improve my level, at the sane time i passed some exams, now i have level B2 in Italian, for me i this opportunity to speak a new language it is so important, because it helped me a lot to understand the life here, to meet many persons, also it gave an advantage to find a work.
I finish with another important opportunity, the occasion to meet new friends, thanks to this project i have many italian friends, who helped me to improve my language skills, to know more about the Italian culture, the culture in Campania, the traditions, the traditional music, the typical food, nearly everythings, also thanks to the EVS trainings, i knew many persons from different countries, now i have friends nearly from everywhere like Czech republic, Latvia, Spain, Italy, USA, Australia, Canada, French, Protugal, Germany, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Serbia, Turkey…
With all this opportunities i was able to keep my habits, like watching football matches, hanging out with my friends, time to relax, to talk with my family, also to go the parties.
Generally, the EVS is a big opportunity, it is a unique experience to change your life and change it.
Posted on January 9, 2017
The moment to say goodbye
After 9 months, in MARE house, now is the moment of farwell, the most difficult moment of the project, we were 4, nuria already left 2 weeks ago to pass the Christmas and the new year party with her family, yesterday radek left to czech republic, and today elza left to latvia.
After this beautiful experience, everyone left to live his normal live again, i don’t know how the time is passed so quickly, my first day here it is like yesterday, the italian courses, training of kayak, discovery of the territory , after that the work in Ieranto Bay, the environmental courses with the kids, EVS trainings…
Everything is passed as a nice dream, now we have only memories , the funny things that we did it together, the diffucult moment that we faced it, sometimes the problems between us, also the amazing days with kayaks, the preparation of the games for the kids, the difficulties that we found it to learn the language, tammuriata parties, pizza, dinners that we did it together, and with the ex volunteers.
For me it was a unique experience, i learned many things from this project, from everyone, also i discovered many beautiful places, as Ieranto, Nerano, Sorrento, Napoli…
Also living with others persons from different culture helped me a lot to learn how i can live and behave with persons who have tottaly different culture, and i met many friends from all the world.
Now everything is finished, but i won new friends, brothers and sisters, a new family, project MARE family, i advice all the persons who have the possibility to participate in this project don’t miss the opportunity, for me i consider it as the best experience in my life.
Updated on December 25, 2016
And now we are three
When I am freezing in the coldness of winter air I always think that when the summer finally comes I will be shocked, but every year, it is always the same. It comes slowly, naturally. It does not switch from coldness to heat in one day. And I was thinking about this today when Nuria packed the last things, woke us up, hugged and kissed us, said goodbye and quietly left. Without crying, without drama, without big, important words and speeches, like I imagined. Because everything that we have been through. What we have learned from each other, what we all have experienced together has already been said and done. Now there are just memories and the ideas about future.
First day when I saw Nuri I went inside the house, Spanish music was playing, I heard „Helloo” from the bathroom and then a girl with wet hair and piercing in the nose said greetings with „Hi. I’m Nuria!”. It is imaginable to think about our team without her. Eight months of playing cards together, working together, listening to her loud snoring, swimming, laughing about what stupid things we did today. And hours and hours of a never ending energy (kayaking, snorkeling, dancing, yelling, singing, laughing, cooking, playing games, going on adventures – all in one day) (yet, the paradox is that she is hitch-hiking in every situation, even if it is just for 50 meters). So full of joy and light and talent to make all people lose their manners and skills in English.
With all the activities, the amazing work, the busy summer, joy and the loud house and difficulties of understanding each other and always fights about dirty house, I never had time to stop and think that this is something special and that it is not always going to be the real life. That the months will pass. Swimming 5 meters from house in the summer will turn into months of winter and sooner or later someone of us will leave. I have to say that I feel nostalgic. And living here just three of us still is good but it feels out of balance.
Posted on December 23, 2016
Project Mare Party
After a very busy summer of work in Ieranto bay, work with schools of Pastena, Torca, Monticchio, and saint Agata, and environmental education for Massa Lubrense children.
Now it is party time, a party to give a big value of our hard work all the last 8 months of the project, so we decided to do a party for our team, and our project.
The weather was excellent, it was a sunny day, sky is blue, a nice day to do a party, with the help of Mimi who invited his friends how have a musical band her name is Batteria pegaonda.
The night before the party, all the teams cooked a typical food from our countries, in the morning everything is ready, at 10:00 AM, Nuria and Elza went from Massa Lubrense by kayak till Meta beach, me and radek we took all the food and materials with us, but we arrived a little bit late because we had problem with traffic cause of a marathon was in the same day as our party, by the help of alba we arrived to the place of the party.
Now all the team in the place of the party !!!, when we arrived we found that the band are already arrived and started to play music and singing, also we found many persons who were curious to know what is the event.
We danced, and singed from 11:30 till the sunset without stop, so nice Brazilian music, in the beach with a sunny day, u can imagine how it is funny !!!, all the persons danced not only our team, at the same time we explained to the people what is our project, and what activities we did in all the 8 months, we talked about the difficulties that we found it in our first period, and how we faced it.
For me it was an amazing event, I felt so nice because after this event more persons knew about our projectand our experience, also it is so nice to see your friend that you met them in the period of the EVS.
Posted on December 19, 2016
EVS Mid-term training
After one week from the 20th anniversary of EVS, we had the chance to participate in the EVS mid-term training in Civitavecchia, with other volunteers from different EVS projects in all Italy.
I ( akrem), and all the team we’re ready to meet new persons, to know more about the other EVS projects, we left the house so early to arrive in Civitavecchia, the adventure started, when we arrived to the train station, where we found the other volunteers are waiting the bus to reach the place of the Training, from this moment we started to know the other volunteers.
Finally, we’re arrived to the place, it is so nice, a nice place to relax, near of the sea, and in a very calm place, with many persons from different countries, persons have different cultures, also from different projects, after a lunch all together, we started by Ice Break activities, with the time and after every game I discover that I’m with very nice, and funny persons.
With the two trainers, Lorenzo, and Davide, all the activities were so nice, with the of humor that they have it, all the activities were so nice, after the activities we had free night, so we decided to profit it to know each other’s more.
When we talked to each other’s, I felt that we met many years ago, not only one day ago, we spoke nearly about everything, we talked about many topics like how we found the opportunity to have the EVS adventure, about our hobbies, our future plans, etc….
The second day, was so funny, because we did theatral shows, to show the perfect EVS for the volunteers, we presented many funny things that nearly all the volunteers did it, and lived it. Also we did an activity her name is “L’Italia che conosco”, in this activity every teams has a topic, there are 5 topics. The first one, about love in Italy, second one, about work in Italy, third one, about Italian food, Fourth one, the family in Italia, and the last one, about the Italian society, We presented every topic as a little show.
We did also some technical activities, I think this type of activities are so important, for example the method of the logical matrix, this technic it helps to prepare projects, and fix clear objective, indicators, and an efficient work plan.
Also the last day was funny, we did a nice activity as a fashion show, but we show the opposite of our personalities, after this activity we did a technical session, it was about the youth pass, in this activity we knew what is the youth pass, how this document can help us to get job, and how it valuate our EVS experience, for me it was so important to know this, because with the youth pass I will have an advantage to find work in my country or in Europe, also we did in pairs like a job interview to have an idea how to present our competences for the employers.
In the end of the day, we did the evaluation of the training, and after the dinner we organized a little party together for fun, and to salute each other’s.
Generally I liked so much the training, I met new persons, I had new friends from different countries, also I want to thank the trainers, they are great, and I hope that I can see again all the persons that I met then in the arrival, and mid-term training.