Marine Biology Course in Nerano

For the last seven years, the Marine Protected Area Punta Campanella has organized Marine Biology Courses. This Course is done together with “Parthenope” Napoli University and it gives 3 ECTS for the students. An intensive week full of knowledge about Mediterranean marine life provides people from all over Italy to have a close contact with this protected environment. The Course is held by the renowned biologists: Professor Giovanni Fulvio Russo and Professor Roberto Sandulli from the University and Dr. Guido Villani from the Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry of CNR Pozzuoli. The schedule of the Course comprises lectures, sampling through diving and laboratory studies.

The subjects were so diverse as ecology of the marine plant Posidonia oceanica, the seaweed Caulerpa cylindracea and the sea urchins Arbacia lixula and Paracentrotus lividus; visual census of the ichthyofauna, underwater photography, oceanography and ecology of meiobenthos.

This year, two volunteers of Project M.A.R.E. had the chance to participate in this amazing Course! Filipe and Olga moved for one week to Nerano and there they dedicated themselves to improve their knowledge in these fields of Marine Biology so they could apply it on their EVS work. Besides of the learning experience they also had the chance to know new people and make new friends.

The Course was taught in Italian however the language barrier was overcame. Filipe and Olga were able to attend all the lectures, communicate with all the presents and do the practical and theoretical work. This means that the language issues are being solved. From day to day the foreigners feel more and more as locals!

Filipe and Olga are really thankful for being given this opportunity and they recommend all of you to attend the course of the next years! The passion of all the involved in this Marine Biology Course was contagious!


On the evening of 23rd of June, when all of project M.A.R.E. volunteers and our friends had gathered at our home, the celebration of the most Latvian holiday of all – Jāņi or “Līgo!”, was initiated.  Jāņi is the night between June 23 and June 24 (in harmony with the summer solstice), when people participate in joyous festivities just as their ancestors did centuries ago. Jāņi was originally a festival for pagan farmers that existed long before the arrival of Christianity and the traditions of the festival remain immensely popular to this day. Latvians often say “līst kā pa Jāņiem” (it’s raining as if it were Jāņi) since the weather on Jāņi night is usually not the most pleasant. This, however, is never an obstacle for the merrymaking. Be it a sunny day or raining, Latvians always celebrate at their rural homesteads, or go to an open-air party to dance, sing and be together in good company. Wild flowers picked on the summer solstice are believed to have healing powers. One of the hallmarks of Jāņi is leaping over the bonfire which is meant to rid people of their burdens. In honour of Jāņi, homes are decorated with birch, oak and rowan branches, ferns, oxeye daisies and bents. Nettles and thistles can be attached to the door-frame to keep evil spirits out. Women weave wildflower wreaths to decorate themselves.

The event was organized by me and a friend of mine, Ilmārs, with whom I was studying together in the university.  The celebration was launched by singing of some folk songs in our performance, followed by an explanation of the origin and traditions of this festive.

On the festive table were different dishes such as two (improvised  =D) versions of the traditional sort of cheese with caraway seeds, two different  types of rye bread, rye bread croutons with garlic, hemp-seed spread, oven-baked potatoes with onions, dip with garlic and of course some beer :) because it’s a traditional drink for this night.

During the party we were hearing traditional music, learning basic steps in folk dance, singing, dancing, playing traditional games and having a lot of fun despite of the fatigue of many participants after a long week of work.

Since it was also Antonietta’s birthday, we combined these two events into one.  To celebrate this a delicious cake was served and champagne glasses were chopped :)

And MANY THANKS TO ILMĀRS!!! The party would never have been as successful without him :)))

Second time cleaning in Crapolla

Change of plan for today ! We cleaned Crapolla’s beach during this morning for the party which will be held next day “Solennità di San Pietro“.

  • According to tradition, St. Peter landed in Crapolla on his journey to Rome. Every year on June 29, the day dedicated to St. Peter, the local faithful make a pilgrimage from Torca to the Chapel of San Pietro, where it is celebrated the Holy Mass; the festivities continue later on the beach among food and fun.

First  we went to the office (Anis, Indra and Meli) to meet wih our mentor Nuria as well as Nicola and Luca (marine protected area Punta Campanella’s captains).

Marina Della Lobra – Let’s go to Crapolla’s beach! (Méli-Shéryam, Indra, Nuria)
Team MARE <3 (Luca, Anis Méli-Shéryam, Indra, Nuria)

Then they drove us down to Marina della Lobra. Together we headed with the rubber dinghy to Crapolla. The weather was windy, the sea a little agitated. During the whole trip, the boat was rolling because of the waves, we could see only some few boat navigated.

Finally we reached our destination. We got divided into two groups :

  • Anis and Méli-Shéryam went near the chapel and cleaned all the way down,
  • Nuria and Indra collected all the rubbish and wastes at the rocky beach.
  • While Luca and Nicola waited for us in the boat on the sea
Time to clean =)


After more than an hour, we ended up with a lots of garbage : plastics (corks, bottles…), glasses, papers, metals…

Almost finished…
Ciao waste, Hope we NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN !
Bon débarras !

At least now Crapolla’s beach is clean and ready for tomorrow’s celebration, and let’s hope people will be more conscious and responsible about our environment ! 

All garbage collected ! So proud of our team ! Viva la natura ! 


Project MARE Party 2017: Results

After a weeks’ worth of preparation, it was finally time: the MARE project inauguration party. The idea was to introduce ourselves to the locals and present our respective cultures. In this case, we chose to do it through the medium of food and music!

Amazingly, we managed to fit all our culinary creations in 1 small kitchen, which was fun in itself. There were Swedish meatballs (kötbullar) and chocolate balls; Latvians potato pancakes (kartupeļu pankūkas) with a dip; Portuguese Cod (Bacalhau) crockets; Reunionese sweet banana pancakes and samosa; Tunisian filo pastry (Briik) and Tagine.

The other task we set ourselves was to create a unique MARE project related game for the kids present at the party: Colours, numbers, questions, pictures, cardboard, cartoons… it was quite the creation!

The venue was Massa Lubrense Square, as well as the Pro Loco office. After finishing preparations just about 30 minutes before the party was set to kick off, we ended up swamped with kids who wanted to play our game. The excitement was palpable.

With some music, flyers, banners, tables and all the good attitude needed to throw a good party while also showing people what MARE is and what we do, everything went smoothly. The kids were having fun, the parents were enjoying themselves, we were talking away to people making sure they knew MARE. And, most importantly, that we were also here to have fun.

After some hours of entertainment, it was time for some more: traditional Neapolitan music and poetry with Camillo de Felice. It was a very emotional and energetic performance which drew laughs and applause from the audience. Then, it was time to serve the food!

The food was gone and eaten in about 10 minutes after serving, just like the wine… needless to say it seemed our labour had paid off. Then the real musical spectacle began with many of the attendees joining in with their own instruments and providing us all with more Neapolitan music to dance to.

We stayed for way longer than anticipated, such as is the case when you really enjoy something a lot. The amalgamation of many cultures was something very pleasant to behold and experience, and we think we will remember the effort and results of preparing and being part of the local community in such a way for quite some time!

Inauguration Party M.A.R.E 2017

A party to kick off the MARE project! All are invited!

Location: Square of Massa Lubrense.

On Saturday the 17th of June (in two days) we will be throwing a party to celebrate M.A.R.E  2017. There will be food, music, and a lot of fun: traditional/typical food from Tunisia, Sweden, Latvia, Portugal and Reunion Island. Obviously all accompanied by music from the respective countries as well as traditional Napolitan music by Camilo de Felice.

The party starts at 18.30 and ends more or less at around 22.00 or when you get tired of dancing… Please swing by and bring everyone you know!


18.30: Games in the Park – Games for the small ones, where they will get a chance to learn more about the rules in the park in a fun way!

20.00: Traditional music – with Camilo de Felice.

21.00: Celebration of the exotic – brought to you by the project MARE volunteers. – Popular music and more, with Camilo de Felice and other musicians.