The new generation of The Project M.A.R.E. has arrived! We are 6 volunteers from different European countries: Latvia, Portugal, Spain and France. And we want to tell you our first impressions about this project

Hi! I’m Dani, the Spanish guy of this AMAZING Project. So, I’d like to tell how my first days were going.  In these weeks we have started the training part of the Project M.A.R.E. and I must say that it wasn’t like I imagined it, It’s MUCH BETTER. The adventure started with a really good reception from Antoine and Laura, they cooked for us really good vegetarian dishes.  The first weeks have been so intense: we’ve discovered Ieranto Bay, started the Italian course and doing different activities for knowing better the park and the organization. After these 20 days, I must to say that I’m so happy because we haven’t only created a work group but also a great family!!

Here I am in Italy! My first time here and this is promising! As soon as I arrived to Sorrento I was warmly welcomed by the coordinator of M.A.R.E. project , Domenico, and his family. Then we went to Massa Lubrense, to my new home, where my fellows and friends of the next 9 months awaited us with open arms. Here we had a very typical italian dinner with delicious pizzas and lots of fun! In the following days we explored a bit the area marina protetta di Punta Campanella, we talked about volunteer work and communication. We also discussed ideas and we started the Italian classes. Meanwhile, we also had the opportunity to walk through this wonderful place, either on hot days, cold days, in the rain and, imagine, in the snow. So far so good! I am loving the experience and it seems to me that it will be a project with lots of really interesting adventures and activities.

I was really surprised by the the beauty of the peninsula. Domenico, Simona and Francesco are so so great wich make me really happy and looking forward to work with them. For now our training has been very enriching, our morning language lessons in Sorrento are done with a nice ambiance and by great teachers. I can’t wait to start working on site.

In three weeks, we managed to explore a lot of new and different things! But an octopus has only eight tentacles… So don’t forget to enjoy: meeting nice people; teamwork (brainstorming!); and especially friendly and family spirit! Anyways, enjoying Project M.A.R.E. 2018 !I am impatient to continue and do more!

I’ve been following project M.A.R.E on social media since the day one and I have to say it’s a lot more than I expected. 
The first month of the project we are building pillars of knowledge. It has been one month since we are attending St.Anna language school every working day. The studies are pretty intense but I can feel improvements from the first day.  The school is located in Sorrento which means we have to take a morning bus to attend Italian classes. Professors are nice and friendly which makes the study process enjoyable. It’s important to know the language because our further work will involve communication with locals and tourists.
The second pillar is the cultural exchange.  Since the day one our leader Domenico introduced us to the importance of sharing different traditions, experiences and knowledge. We had a nice opportunity to share stories of our cultures and national foods with local students. 
The third pillar is knowledge about the park and marine protected areas. We visited our future workplace – Punta Campanella – to understand better why it’s so important to take care of this area. The place is very beautiful and it’s almost impossible to understand the landscape of the park until you take different paths to discover the many levels of the Punta Campanella. There are caves and stiff cliffs, there are long paths up and down the hills. Everywhere you turn your eyes you see islands, blue waters and white waves playing in the sea. The place is magnificent.  And then final pillar is based on teamwork and communication. We are talking a lot about the ways of communication. I liked how director of the park said – if you want to share something with people, you have to know twice as more as you can say. We are preparing ourselves to spread awareness of our work and hopefully finding the best way to let people hear our message. 
I’m happy to be here and more than excited for the future activities in project M.A.R.E.

Entering for the first time in the peninsula was like giving my first steps in a natural world unknown to me. No matter where you look there is natural wonder: cracked cliffs of sedimentary rock of mighty height and declination, beautiful Mediterranean flora as far as the eye can see, limitless sky and sea sparkled with cotton clouds and boats of all types. The houses one finds are built in a medieval style, of different measures and colors, clumsily packed together. One wonders through rock paved streets of all colors and non symmetrical squares. Every now and then the perfumes of aromatics and fresh legumes sparkle the air with one of the many marvel of Italian cuisine. Sacred art is everywhere for the observing eye and overwhelming churches with unique domes are seen from far away. Its people speak a southern dialect incomprehensible for an outsider. It is a world for itself, an idilical paradise at the verge of the Tirrenian sea, the last richful inches of the neapolitan/campanian mainland.

Inevitably, as one gets aware of all of Sorrento’s precious elements, a big part of oneself wouldn’t mind at all to live in this way forever and a day.It was in this state of awe I found myself in the first week. And from then on I am realizing all of its iniciatives and community engagements, which makes me even more motivated. It is a project that scores great achievements and it keeps having great potential. I feel very happy for having an opportunity to make part of it and I do believe I will learn and give more than my initial expectations.

Project MARE 2017 ! See you soon

Friday 1st December 2017, we had a party to close the EVS project 2017 with some students and locals.


To explain what is our project and what we did during these last 9 months, in the library of Piano di Sorrento, we had 4 stands :

  • Marine park of Area Marina Protetta di Punta Campanella
  • Ieranto Bay
  • Mare per Esplorare (Environmental Education) 
  • Marine Biology

The morning, 30 students and their teacher arrived to discover our activities. We made a final presentation of us, and talked about something that we liked during this EVS.

We included an activity about EVS where they could create a short or long project to do it in Sorrento.


For the lunch, we went to Mimi’s house, where Alba cooked a great meal for us. It was really good ! All vegetarian ;)


The afternoon we came back to the library to meet the ones interested in our event.

Each of us cooked some traditionnal meals from his country

  • Filipe and Olga (Portugal) cooked a pineapple apple pen cake.
  • Indra (Latvia) cooked a vegan pumpenuppking cake.
  • Anis (Tunisia) cooked bricks (potatoes / tuuuunaaaaa).
  • Meli-Sheryam (Reunion Island) cooked samoussas (cheese / tuuuuunaaaa).
  • Henrik (Luxemburg) cooked a salad (apple, mayonnaise) with meat baaaallls.

 We had less visitors than we expected (could be because of the match of Napoli vs Juve o the bad weather).

Fortunately it was an opportunity to meet all the people and friends that we met throughout the whole project. It was like meeting field with wonderful memories joy and good byes.


Thank you AMP of Punta Campanella, Domenico Sgambati, his family and friends who supported usduring the time of the project.


<3 MARE 2017 MARE 2017 MARE 2017 MARE 2017 MARE 2017 MARE 2017 <3

The Portuguese dinner!

As you know, an EVS is also an intercultural exchange! We are from 5 different countries (France, Latvia, Luxembourg, Portugal and Tunisia) and, despite we are in Italy and we want to learn and adapt ourselves as much as we can to the Italian culture, we also like and want to share ours! For that, each month was one of our countries! Portugal was the last one and I (Olga) and Filipe have decided to do a Portuguese dinner! Of course that means a full table, a table full of people and full of food!


Family is one of the most important things for Portuguese people so we couldn’t do our dinner without our new family! We had to find a solution for putting all the people in our dining room and we had to cook for the entire day, but everything worth it! After 9 months they are our family here and having everybody together at home is what makes me and Filipe happy!

The menu was:

Appetizer: 5 different kinds of chouriço, stuffed bread in the oven, butter, olives, grated carrot with olive oil and tomato pate

Main dish: Bacalhau à Braz (cod) and Alho-Francês à Braz (leek)

Desert: fruit salad and pineapple cake

Drinks: white and red wine, Porto‘s wine and Beirão liquor


We also heard some Fado (Portuguese music that is UNESCO world heritage) and we explained a little bit of our history! And because Christmas is in one month and we are going home in two weeks, we also have decided to celebrate Christmas at the same time! We exchanged gifts, played also Italian music and celebrate this family that we build here!


Saudade is the Portuguese word that is not possible to translate to other languages… I think in a while everybody is going to start feeling saudades… 


Obrigada por tudo! E viva Portugal, caralho!

MARE a Nice – 18th Young and Mediterranean Meetings

For the second consecutive year MARE participate in the 18th Young and Mediterranean Meetings 2017 in Villefranche-sur-Mer in Nice (France). The Hosting organization is Euro-Mediterranean Network (REM) and the topic for this year is about Ecotourism.

MARE joined the event with two of their volunteers “Méli-Shèryam and Anis” and their mentor “Nuria”.






We started the journey from: Massa Lubrense à Sorrento à Napoli à Genova à Ventimiglia àVillefranche-sur-Mer.




The first moment we arrived to this beautiful little town we were impressed by its magnificent bay, there were countless sailing boat and a big cruise ship.

The first day Tuesday 07 November:

The meeting began with a presentation of the program and a quick introduction of the hosting organization “Euro-Mediterranean Network”.

Lots of organizations were present from different Mediterranean countries (Tunisia, Italy, Morocco, Croatia, Slovenia…) but unfortunately many couldn’t join to the event because of the visa.

In the end of the day they gave each one of us some lovely gifts and a shooting session with nice fishing theme scenery.

The Second day Wednesday 08 November:

The meeting in the morning was at the auditorium were we had the official welcoming.

First we had the presentation of the project Urban Waste who promotes the waste prevention and management as well as the tourism value chain in order to develop eco-innovative and gender-sensitive.


Second was Airpaca a project that works on the quality of the air in the Mediterranean.

Last was a very interesting presentation of the label High Quality Whale watching from the association ACCOBAMS.

Another shooting session and this time with our countries flags. It was kind of funny that a Tunisian, Reunion and Spanish represent the Italian delegation in France.

In the afternoon, we had a presentation of microplastic flowed by two stimulating workshops. One was about confirming the existence of microplastic in shampoo and the other was about identifying the microplasticin the cosmetic productfrom the ingredients, they also showed us how to make our own natural shower gel.

After the workshop come The SHOWTIME, project Mare was the first delegation to start presenting their work (PowerPoint presentation and a Poster)



Poster 4  Nuria introduced our project and the marine park area of Punta Campanella, Méli-Shéryam continued with the training part (Italian course, Excursions, Kayaking, Snorkeling, Trainings…) then it was Anis turn to present the activities (Mare per Esplorare, Campo Boa, Ieranto Bay…).

Nuria concluded by showing the diverse culture that project MARE has hosted (31 volunteers/ 11 countries)

The third day Thursday 09 November:

The morning we commenced with a presentation of the bay of Villefranche-sur-mer which is one of the deepest natural harbors of any port in the Mediterranean Sea and provides safe sea anchorages for large ships, reaching depths of 95m, it extends to the south to form 500m abyss known as the undersea Canyon of Villefranche.

Afterwards, we were divided into two groups: one had a wonderful excursion around the bay in a sailing boat and the other had a quiz about Ecotourism.

After lunch, it was time for the rest of the delegations to present their project. Many of them were interesting and rewarding

Euro-Mediterranean Network had the final words; they shared their future projects and events for 2018, and started the vote for applications for the creation of a management council.

The evening we had a lovely last party, were everyone came with their elegant clothes and the stylish food was served flowed by an entertaining piece of art of improvisation from a group of local youth.










Project MARE at the Marine Turtle Research Centre

I think I have already said this before but I am going to repeat one more time: the most amazing part of this EVS is to have the chance of participating in a big range of activities which allow us to do diverse tasks and, in this way, we can learn a lot, in a personal and a professional way.

I do not have lots of things to write you today, but at least I want you to know the Project MARE has one of their volunteers collaborating with the Marine Turtle Research Center in Portici. I, Olga, had the chance to start going there in my last month here in Italy. At the center, I am going to help in the systems maintenance, checking water indicators and cleaning, and I am going to help with the turtle management, feeding them or supporting the veterinarian. I will keep you update!

Everybody is amazing and I am truly thankful for this opportunity!